As I near the end of the online course that gave me the most angst as a student in the PIDP program at the VCC School of Instructor Education, I realize that many obstacles are self-imposed (a wise person's recent comment).
My mindset going into the course was that it would bring me as close to being keel-hauled as I would ever experience. What a relief that, despite some challenges and a few salt-stung scrapes along the way, I came out on the other side of a falsely perceived barnacled barge under blue skies and with fresh air to spare!
At the end of the day, the amount of learning and growth was measurable in freighter-length scale (it's also a wonderful assurance that the sea monster under the boat is only in your mind). We often blow things out of proportion and end up with only a wee tempest in a teapot. I don't want to minimize that while in the teapot, there were moments I felt like a whaler in nor-easterly blow, but happily there was always a fellow classmate or instructor not far away to throw me a life ring.
With this experience now behind me, and a boost of confidence that I can tackle yet more, things are definately looking up! A final big thank you to my 3240 learning community for all the support and guidance through it all.
Thank you, Loni !
Thanks to you too Loni, keep in touch!
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