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25 Mar 2013

Praise for the Peony

Things that Make Me GRIN!

A very kind gentleman bought me "thank-you flowers" not long ago and I enjoyed the bright summer colors as a welcome contrast to the grey skies and snow still hanging on outside.

In thinking about flowers, I definately have a penchant for any type of plant that is a prolific bloomer and boasts colossal blossoms - more is more in this category!

A friend introduced me to the writings of Anais Nin. As nature often provides metaphors in life, here is a piece that I can connect with on so many levels:

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

For this reason, I cannot resist peonies.   In late spring, I am in blooming heaven when they broadcast their behomothic, blousy blossoms that can get as big as your face.  Can you look at these exhibitionists and not smile?!

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