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25 Mar 2013

The Unabashed Birch

Things That Make me GRIN!

My daughter and I took a glorious  hike in the spring sun today in an area near UNBC called Forests for the World.  We came across a birch tree that flaunted itself as an impressive peeler!  This  paper birch seemed less bashful about shedding some layers than many of the others in the area.

I have noticed throughout my life, that there are reoccurring "themes" that present themselves in a series of clusters over a relatively short period of time. They are connected to each other, but not in any way that means anything to me.  I sometimes wonder if I am being taught or shown something for a reason, but often can't figure it out.   Perhaps you have had this happen also? The present reoccuring theme for me of late relates to "birch trees".

For example: I want to repaint my living room.  A color on my shortlist: Whispering Birch.

My step-father mentioned just recently that he had attended a workshop on how to tap birch trees for syrup - he's started tapping trees in his backyard.

Recently, I was cleaning up some old papers and came across a poem I wrote a few years back about the demise of one of the birch trees in the backyard of a house where I used to live - a tongue-and-cheek ode called An Obirchuary ....

It it mere coincidence that I am currently experiencing a repetition of many-things-birch? Anyone with a birch-eye view of the situation can drop me a comment....

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